Diesel price European Union Map - This Week Prices
Data source for the current week: The European Commission
Map by Google Region GeoCharts
Petrol price European Union Map - This Week Prices
Data source for the current week: The European Commission
Map by Google Region GeoCharts
Diesel price European Union Map - A Week Ago Prices
Data source for the current week: The European Commission
Map by Google Region GeoCharts
Petrol price European Union Map - A Week Ago Prices
Data source for the current week: The European Commission
Map by Google Region GeoCharts
Diesel price European Union Map - 6 Months Ago Prices
Data source for the current week: The European Commission
Map by Google Region GeoCharts
Petrol price European Union Map - 6 Months Ago Prices
Data source for the current week: The European Commission
Map by Google Region GeoCharts
Diesel price European Union Map - 1 Year Ago Prices
Data source for the current week: The European Commission
Map by Google Region GeoCharts
Petrol price European Union Map - 1 Year Ago Prices
Data source for the current week: The European Commission
Map by Google Region GeoCharts